What Are The Benefits of Gayatri Mantra? Revealing Secrets

From hundreds of thousands of years, people are trying to control the energy of cosmos. The eternal cosmos is filled with unthinkable and unanswerable mysteries which are hard to believe but easy to control, only if one knows the right way.
The controlling key of the energy of universe lies within mantras.
Hinduism, the oldest Dharma in the world, is often called Sanatan Dharma – the eternal traditions or the tradition beyond human history. In Hinduism, Mantras plays a very important role.

Secrets of Gayatri Mantra
Secrets of Gayatri Mantra

Mantras are sacred words or phrase which when spoken, releases vibrations. According to Hindu mythology, mantras are very a powerful way through which a person can even triumph over death.
One such powerful mantra is The Gayatri Mantra. Let’s discuss it in detail:

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri Mantra

भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवी- तुवरण्यम भर- गो देवसयाह धीमही धियो यो : प्रचोदयात्

Often referred as the Maha Mantra or the Guru Mantra, the Gayatri Mantra is one of the most significant mantras in Hindu Mythology.
Gayatri Mantra is the part of Rig Veda – one of the four major ancient scriptures of Hinduism. It is dedicated to the Sun God also christened as Savitr –the one from which all is born. It is believed that this mantra was first revealed to Sage Vishwamitra.

 Meaning of Gayatri Mantra

Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
Meaning of Gayatri Mantra

Dedicated to Goddess Gayatri - the mother of all scriptures, this mantra gives purity and blissfulness to the one who chants it with all devotion.
In simple words it can be explained as:

“Oh, the mother of Vedas our heart and minds are filled with emptiness and darkness. Please wash away this darkness and filled us with the light of true knowledge in us.”

Here we can see the prayer is classified into three parts Adoration – where we are praising the supreme. Then comes Meditation where we are meditating while worshiping, and finally comes the Prayer – a request or an appeal to the supreme where we are asking for intellectual strength from the one.

How to Recite Gayatri Mantra?

There is no Gayatri Mantra Chanting Rule. It is the easiest and on the same hand most powerful mantra.
In the wee hours of the morning, take a bath, cleanse yourself and sit at the place where you do daily rituals –Pooja - facing the east direction.
Sit on asana and take beads mala, close your eyes, concentrate on the supreme deity and start chanting the mantras within.

When to Chant Gayatri Mantra?

Time To Chant Gayatri Mantra
Time To Chant Gayatri Mantra

There is no particular time to chant Gayatri Mantra, that’s the beauty of this spell. Still, you can spell it at least thrice a day.
Morning – 2 hours before sunrise, facing east. It is dedicated to Lord Brahma – the creator.
Noon – Choose a fixed time and spell it at the very time. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu – the preserver.
Evening – Spell it after sunset, facing east side. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva – the destroyer

Why is a Mantra Spoken 108 Times?

Importance of 108 in Hinduism
Importance of 108 in Hinduism

You all must have heard a lot of times that to make any mantra Siddha (fruitful), you have to utter it at least 108 times. So the question is what the significance of 108 is in Hindu mythology?

Ancient mathematicians consider 108 as a wholeness of existence. It also connects the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. There are 108 shakti peethas, 108 Upanishads, 108 marma points in a body.
Even the Japa Mala (Prayer beads) also has 108 beads along with a guru bead from which a jap starts and complete.

The number of 108 affects not only human beings but also the whole solar system. Benefits of chanting Gayatri Mantra 108 times will give you the key to the power of the universe.

Calculation of 108 is done as follows:  9 Planets and 12 constellations, that give us 108 planetary positions as per Indian astrological calculation.
Therefore, chanting mantra 108 times helps us in attaining the mastery over the cosmic powers.
Each number signifies something: 1 stands for God, 0 signifies emptiness and 8 stands for eternity or infinity (Sanatan or Anant).

Benefits of Mantras

Benefits of Gayatri Mantra
Benefits of Gayatri Mantra

Any mantra if spoken correctly with right method and pronunciation, it bestows on you unlimited blessings of health, wealth, happiness, strong mind and, tranquil peace. Following are the Importance of Gayatri Mantra:
  • Remove obstacles from life
  • Keeps your heart healthy
  • Protects from danger
  • Open up your psychic visions
  • Improves communication abilities
  • It calms the unstable mind
  • It improves immunity and makes you strong
  • Lessen the stress and stress-related damage
  • Helps in recovering depression
  • It increases concentration and learning powers
  • Empowers you with psychological and spiritual powers

Types of Gayatri Mantra

Yes! You read it right; there are various Gayatri Mantra with numerous variations. Majorly there are 48 types of Gayatri Mantra. Each is dedicated to a particular deity.
Following three are the major kinds of Gayatri Mantra dedicated to particular God:

1. Vishnu Gayatri Mantra
नारायणाय विद्महे
वास- ुदेवाय धीमहि |
तन्नो विष्णु: प्रचोदयात्- ||

2. Shiv Gayatri Mantra
तत्पुरुषाय- विद्महे
महा- देवाय धीमहि |
तन्नो रुद्र: प्रचोदयात्- ||

3. Ganesh Gayatri Mantra
एकदंताय विद्महे
वक्- रतुंडाय धीमहि |
तन्नो दन्ती प्रचोदयात्- ||

The Final Words

Importance of Gayatri Mantra
Importance of Gayatri Mantra

It is hard to describe the glory of this auspicious mantra. Still, we have tried to capture each aspect of this divine mantra. There are immeasurable benefits of listening to Gayatri Mantra.
Miracles of Gayatri Mantra are not hidden from anyone. Be it a child or an old person, be it a black or white, be you a person of any cast creed or religion, the mother mantra benefits all equally without any discrimination, only if chanted with full soul and devotion.
If you have experienced the benefits of Gayatri Mantra, share with us the same in the comment section below.


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